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Therapy Office

Reviews & Feedback

What Rachel's Clients Are Saying

Rachel prides herself on her excellent service and ability to deliver superior results. If you would like to get an idea of the experiences that past clients have had with Rachel's services, take a look at her client testimonials. Rachel's clients understand the benefits of working with her, and she is happy to share their success stories.

"I completed one session of RTT with Rachel a month ago and have experienced life changing results. Some of the results were immediate and they improved further over the following month. Rachel’s knowledge of the process and prior explanation was brilliant, her technique is calming and effective, and most importantly she achieves positive results. I would recommend this transformative therapy with Rachel for anyone with anxiety. It works!"


My reply:- What was anxiety out of 10 before we had your session? And what is it now out of 10? 10 being unbearable. 1 being mostly gone

Kates reply:- "It’s a hard one as it was off and on - and triggered. I’d say 8 before (10 being a full blown panic attack). And now it’s probably a 1 - 95% of the time. Had no issues at all the last 2 weeks and was triggered today at work. Just been listening to the RTT now and have calmed down a bit tho"

Kate, Pauanui - New Zealand

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